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Writer: Sarah Smith-PodollanSarah Smith-Podollan

It's Canadian Thanksgiving!

The first thing that came to my mind when I closed my eyes to dig a little deeper about what I'm most thankful for this Canadian Thanksgiving was my health and the health of my family. We are an active family and the thought of one of us being unable to dance or play hockey for whatever reason made me feel grateful that we can.

Then I felt guiltly.

Guilty because not everyone can. Guilty that there are people suffering all over the world right now for so many reasons... COVID, cancer, being disabled... and the list goes on.

But then I remembered some very influencial and amazing people I have in my life who are dealing with and helping other people with some of these challenges I listed above. They have made platforms to celebrate and lift up those who are going through hard times or are facing new challenges.

So this Thanksgiving I am most grateful for community. Thankful for the communities people have formed and created to help bring more positivity into this world. People who have struggled themselves and want to help others who are going through the same thing or people who just see a need for support and want to help.

Let me share and celebrate with you a couple communities that I love and appreciate...

This month is breast cancer awareness month. I'm sure everyone knows someone who has suffered from or have been affected by breast cancer. There are so many beautiful communities of woman and men out there who support one another. I have been following a wonderful soul named Sabrina on IG for over a year now. She went though breast cancer treatment over the course of the year and is presently going through the long journey of recovery ahead. She has been completely vulnerable and open by sharing all her struggles. Including having two young boys who have no idea what their mother is going through and how she deals with it. She has created a community and platform on her IG page where she tells the good, bad and the ugly of breast cancer. It's beautiful. Thank you Sabrina for providing such a open, tell-all place for others to come to feel heard, to listen and even laugh. You have given hope and valuble information to so many.

Here's another...

When I think of not being able to dance or not being able to walk up and down stairs, my mind immediately goes to my legs not working. That makes me cry. It makes be feel sorry for those who can't. Then the guilt sets in again cuz I would hate for people to feel sorry for me. My friend Joe has created a beautiful community called The Rollettes. This is such a beautiul community of dancers who dance in wheelchairs. Please check them out. They are an inspiration to me and to so many others. They don't let being diabled hold them back. Thank you so much Joe for creating this very special community.

This one has been closest to my heart lately...

My husband has created an amazing hockey community call Up My Hockey. It's for players, parents and coaches to come together, share resources and help each other to become their personal best. To be honest I didn't really get it at first. But holy moly! He shares some amazing messages with me where parents thank him for providing the insight their player needed to hear, or thank him for providing the message THEY needed to hear! Seeing this first hand over the couse of the last year and a half has completely inspired me to be thinking how I can better serve the dance community.

Five years ago I started nurturing the dance community with the first L.A.X. My mission was to get involved more with the amazing dance community in my region and to provide a fun event full of inspiration and education for the local dancers. I am so proud of how The L.A.X. has grown and expanded. Below is one of five videos we created during this year L.A.X. at Accentz in Vernon B.C. To take a look at all of the videos click here

I want to give special thank you to everyone who has ever been a part of my dance community. Those that have hired me to teach master classes, to teach at their intensive, to adjudicate and choreograph. My teachers, agents and managers who have all helped me to grow my dance career. My students who I coach privately and those that attend my weekly classes. To my fellow dancers, peers and friends who have inspired me and continue to inspire me every day. You are all so special to me and no doubt help to create the community that I am very proud of.

If there is a community that you just love and want to share it with me I'd love to hear about it. Having the right community that builds a positive culture and creates support in helping you to acheive becoming the best version of yourself is incredibly powerful. I am thankful to be continuing to build the community of extraordinary dancers around me.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada


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