I am forever a student.

There was a time early in my teaching career when I thought because I was a teacher I should already know everything there is to know about teaching dance. However I knew in my heart I had so much more to learn. I was so insecure and scared to ask questions. This mentality got me nowhere quick with lots of fear and anxiety.
I think when people are deemed a leader or teacher in their field sometimes they have that same mentality. Trust me, it only holds you back. A growth mindset is where it's at. Let your guard down, listen and ask questions. And if you don't know the answer to something say, "I'm not sure. Let me educate myself more on this and I'll let you know."
One of the biggest reasons I started The L.A.X. dance intensive when I moved to Canada was because I wanted to bring teachers up from L.A. that I could learn from and be inspired by. Los Angeles was were I built my dance and acting career for 13 years and I missed the energy, creativity and talent of the entertainment community there. I was craving more education and inspiriation.
Recently I have been learning so much from different educators online. I am so greatful for all the amazing information out there. I've learned new stretches, different technique, strength training and new creative processes. COVID has definitely forced me to dive deeper into the online world of dance education. In return, I really hope I've been able to do my part in giving back to the dance community with my Tip Tuesdays, LiVES , blogs and posts on social.
It's really all about teachers inspiring teachers.
I don't claim to know it all by any means! But rather by sharing my findings and thoughts I'm hoping to start conversations that will lead to more learning and growth for all.
At the end of each month in myDANCEjournal the question "What have you learnt about yourself this month" is asked. When I answered this question for the month of July it brought me to tears. I've always questioned my teaching ablilities because I've always thought I had so much to learn still. But when I answered this question I found myself writing, "I've learned that I am a good teacher"
I sat looking at what I wrote down for awhile. I couldn't believe I was actually confident enough to write that. But I discovered I can say that with confidence. I still don't know everything BUT... My decision to forever be a willing student continues to make me a better teacher.
When you stop learning you stop growing. And when you stop growing you're not at your best.
This all feels a bit vulnerable to share but it's what's been marinating in my thoughts lately. I always try and write what's happening with me in the moment. As always it feels good to write it down. Thank you for learning and growing with me.